Healthy Runner's Discovery
Diagnostic Evaluation
Ready to Get Back to Healthy Running?
Has pain taken the joy out of running?
At Rehab United Seattle Physical Therapy, we specialize in helping people just like you live a life free running injuries. We want to help, so we are doing a SPECIAL to promote our services. We are giving a complete Healthy Runner's Discovery Diagnostic Evaluation.
For Just $47
*This discount offer applies only to new patients
What is a Healthy Runner's Discovery Diagnostic Evaluation?
1. Get a full, 1-hour long assessment with one of our Doctors
These are all medical professionals who have an extensive background in movement, strength, and injury treatment.
2. We watch you move and test your motion and strength
through a proprietary assessment to pinpoint your biggest limitations in running movement and figure out the root cause of your pain.
3. Get answers to your questions about WHY your injured
and get a CUSTOM plan for how to get back to pain-free and strong.
This Evaluation Is For You If...
• You are spending more time on your foam roller than running.
• You are still trying that stretch you found on the internet to ease your
knee pain, but looking for a change.
• A medical professional just told you that you had weak gluts as the cause
of your running pain.
This evaluations is NOT for you if you're content to live with taking pain medication, don't care about fixing the MAIN problem, or you don’t mind continuing to live with running injuries.
So, go ahead... and click the “Schedule Your Discovery Visit” button to secure the special limited time offer.